Key features
1. ESP32 SoC Development board with full access to the SoC.
- ESP32 SoC on an FCC certified ESP-WROOM-32 module.All features of the ESP32 SoC
- All pins used by on-board peripherals can be accessed through NC copper jumpers. Any pin can be reconfigured.
- On-chip hall-effect sensor
- Encryption and security.
- Longevity commitment of 10 years

2. Built from ground-up with power efficiency in mind
- Low power draw (See power profile below)
- High efficiency power supply based on FAN49100 Buck/Boost voltage regulator.
- Input voltage range: 2.5V – 5.5V
- Output power 3.3V @ 2.5A (See FAN49100 datasheet)
- Constant regulation at 3.3V throughout Li-Ion voltage range
- USB bridge powered down when USB disconnected
- Auto switching between USB and Li-Ion battery (selecting the higher of the two)
- Li-Ion voltage monitoring through on-board resistive divider.

3. Fully integrated USB programmability
- Silicon Labs CP2102N provides the USB – Serial bridge. (No CH340G !!!)
- Auto reset and auto boot mode selection via USB. Program directly from computer with no need to touch Karyni
- Compatible with Linux, Mac and Windows, including x86 and ARM (Hello Raspberry!)
- ESD protection on USB
- Tested with both Arduino IDE and Eclipse (using ESP-IDF)
- No drivers required! (Unless running on an ancient computer)
- A sturdy micro USB port! This one isn’t coming off that easily. (P/n 10118194-0001LF)

4. Programmability and firmware features
- Pre-loaded open-source firmware with lots of features!
- OTA firmware updates available out of the box
- Easy WiFi configuration to attach onto your network without having to plug anything in (except power, or battery)
- Control and access all GPIOs from WiFi or BLE
- A minimal BASIC interpreter is available on the chip
- Many programming languages and IDEs supported, including C, C++, Arduino, LUA, MicroPython, PlatformIO and BASIC. More keep getting added all the time!
- Strong hardware and software support on the ESP32 forums.

5. On-board peripherals
- A good quality RGB LED that properly blends the colors. (P/n ASMB-MTB1-0A3A2)
- Bosch Sensortec BME280 – Temperature, Pressure and Humidity sensor
- Bosch Sensortec BMC150 – 3 Axis accelerometer + 3 axis magnetometer making a full-fledged 6 axis eCompass
- Molex 475710001 – Micro SD card holder
- Microchip MCP73832 – 500mA Li Ion battery charger
- Resistive divider for battery voltage over ADC
- All the goodies of the ESP32!

6. Miscellaneous
- Clearly marked pins on both sides
- RoHS compliant full SMD design
- Truly and honestly breadboard compatible. You get 1 row of pins on both sides.
- 2mm Li-Po connector compatible with the connectors on most Li-Ion batteries.
- Open-source drivers for all the peripherals
- Open source hardware
- Lots of add-on boards coming up
- Many open source code demos
- Size: 2.5”x1.0” (63.5mm x 25.4mm), Height: 7.1mm (1.6mm PCB + 5.5mm battery connector)

Project ideas
- Wireless angular sensing on WiFi and Bluetooth
- Environmental monitoring on Thingspeak
- E-compass with LED and shock sensing.
- Tap / Double Tap and Free-fall sensing
- Weather logger on MicroSD card
- G-Force indicator
- Pressure / Temp / Humidity Indicator
- Music lights with addition of a microphone (or maybe a web plugin)
- Philips Hue emulator
- Balancing game (Use accelerometer to balance perfectly)
- Websocket game controller
- BLE proximity switc
- WiFi Strength indicator
- WiFi and BLE controlled GPIO (Part of demo out-of-box firmware)
- Micro SD access on WiFi
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